Athenaeum News: Bishop Emeritus Slattery Installs Acolytes

ATHENAUEM – “It is always a wonderful experience to see young men willing to embrace the vocation to the priesthood. They are the latest in a long line of faithful witnesses,” said Father Benedict O’Cinnsealaigh, president and rector.
The installation to the Ministry of Acolyte took place in the Chapel of Saint Gregory the Great as Bishop Emeritus Slattery handed each of the seven men installed a chalice and paten and said: “Take these vessels with bread and wine for the celebration of the Eucharist. Make your life worthy of your service at the table of the Lord and of his Church.” The men replied, “Amen,” and handed them back.
Ministry of Acolyte is one of the three formal, liturgical steps toward diaconate ordination. These steps begin with the Rite of Candidacy followed by the Ministry of Lector and then the Ministry of Acolyte. With the blessing of God and the Church, the Rite of Ordination is the final step.
Congratulations to those newly installed as acolytes!
Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Christopher Mark Komoroski
BensonLotiang’a Lokidiriyo
Andrew Michael Reckers
Jeremy Stephen Stubbs
Archdiocese of Louisville
KirbyBrecklyn Rust
Diocese of Tulsa
David Alberto Carvajal Casal
Robert Michael Healey
Instituted by Bishop Murry in the Diocese of Youngstown
Ryan Andrew Furlong