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Art Meets the Divine at the Cincinnati Art Museum

Step into a world where art meets the divine, history comes alive and beauty becomes a gateway to the sacred. This April, the Angelico Project will again host an unforgettable evening at the Cincinnati Art Museum (CAM), where timeless masterpieces and stirring music converge to create an experience that transcends …
Calendar Transitions and Double Dates

We celebrated the beginning of a new year on January 1, 2025. Did you know January wasn’t always the first month of the year? The early Roman calendar consisted of only 304 days divided between 10 months, so the year started in March and ended in December, and the months …
St Luke and Beauty

In a visually saturated world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and become desensitized to beauty. Visio Divina, Latin for “divine seeing,” encourages us to slow down and engage in visual contemplation, using art as a profound tool for connecting with the Divine. A Guide to Visio Divina Begin by making …
The Priest who painted Father Trost

STORY BY Matt Hess PHOTO COURTESY Archives of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, US Province The Land of the Cross-Tipped-Churches is a collection of Catholic churches in the northern part of our archdiocese named for the gold crosses atop their spires. Founded by immigrants who were largely German farmers, …
Art at the Cathedral

With its striking single spire that towers over downtown Cincinnati, the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains stands as a testament to the faith of local Catholics, both past and present, and is truly an architectural treasure. Its exterior and grounds feature compelling images before one even enters. A …
Happy Candlemas!

This Sunday in the Church Calendar, it’s the Feast of the Presentation in the Temple, or Candlemas. Candlemas officially ends the Christmas Season as it’s the 40th day of the Christmas/Epiphany Season also known as Christmastide. In Luke 2:22-40 “When the days were completed for their purification according to the …
Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for February 2025

For vocations to the priesthood and religious life Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.
A Thriving Habitat

The famous line from the movie Field of Dreams is, “If you build it, he will come.” Such was Chris and Chuck Schell’s mindset when they transformed two-and-a-half acres of lawn into one point seven acres of prairie for pollinators and other wildlife. Although born and raised in Chicago, they …
Blessings in the AIr

On Oct. 19, 2024, Father Martin Fox, of the St. John Paul II (SJPII) Family of Parishes, took to the skies on a mission to bless people with holy water. Flying out of the Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport (Miamisburg) in an R-44 helicopter, he soared 5,000 feet up in the air. …
U.S. bishops say refugee program is ‘work of mercy’ after criticism from vice president

By Daniel Payne CNA Staff, Jan 27, 2025 / 10:35 am The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on Sunday argued that its long-standing refugee program is a “work of mercy” after Vice President JD Vance criticized the bishops’ positions on immigration issues. Vance had made the remarks during an interview on …