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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Pope Francis announced today that he has accepted the resignation of Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr from pastoral governance of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and has appointed Most Reverend Robert G. Casey, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago, as the 11th archbishop of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Archbishop-designate Casey …

Every day at Mercy McAuley High School, students bring their creativity to life under the guidance of art teacher Natalie Fischer. From photography to sculpture to digital art, Fischer not only teaches her students artistic skills, she also weaves Catholic faith elements into their learning experience. Fischer, herself a graduate …

by Susan Bergman In the spring of 2022, Sami Kremer found herself at a crossroads. She had always dreamed of being a stay-at- home mom, but college debt kept her working outside the home. Life grew even more challenging when her first son was born with health issues, leaving her …

Step into a world where art meets the divine, history comes alive and beauty becomes a gateway to the sacred. This April, the Angelico Project will again host an unforgettable evening at the Cincinnati Art Museum (CAM), where timeless masterpieces and stirring music converge to create an experience that transcends …

We celebrated the beginning of a new year on January 1, 2025. Did you know January wasn’t always the first month of the year? The early Roman calendar consisted of only 304 days divided between 10 months, so the year started in March and ended in December, and the months …

WASHINGTON – “Human trafficking is not only a serious crime—it is a rejection of the God-given dignity of every human being. It is, as Pope Francis has said, an open wound on the Body of Christ and on the body of all humanity, demanding an ongoing, united response,” said Bishop …

STORY BY Matt Hess PHOTO COURTESY Archives of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, US Province The Land of the Cross-Tipped-Churches is a collection of Catholic churches in the northern part of our archdiocese named for the gold crosses atop their spires. Founded by immigrants who were largely German farmers, …

The Province of the United States recommends to our fraternal prayers our dear brother Andrew Joseph (Joe) BARRISH of the St. Leornard Community in Centerville, Ohio, USA, who died in the service of the Blessed Virgin Mary on January 20, 2025, in Dayton, Ohio, at the age of 95 with …

With its striking single spire that towers over downtown Cincinnati, the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains stands as a testament to the faith of local Catholics, both past and present, and is truly an architectural treasure. Its exterior and grounds feature compelling images before one even enters. A …

You’re Invited to The Annual Andrew Dinners! Join Archbishop Schnurr for an evening of food, fellowship and exploration of God’s call. The Andrew Dinners offer high school- and college-aged men a chance to share a meal with the archbishop while learning about discernment, seminary life and the priesthood. These events …