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Shawnee Lookout Golf Course

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2030 Lawrenceburg Rd.
North Bend, Ohio 45052
(513) 941-0120 https://www.greatparks.org/golf/shawnee-lookout-golf-course

August 2018

St. William Golf Outing at Shawnee Lookout

August 4, 2018 @ 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Shawnee Lookout Golf Course, 2030 Lawrenceburg Rd.
North Bend, Ohio 45052
+ Google Map

Four-person scramble with shootout start at 9 a.m. followed by food, drink, and fun at the shelter. Limited to 26 foursomes (104 layers) -- register now! All current and former parishioners and school alumni welcome. Cost is $85/person ($340/foursome); you will be played in a foursome if you don't have one to enter with.  Door pries, food, more; all proceeds benefit St. William School and Athletic Association.

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St. William Golf Outing at Shawnee Lookout