Archdiocesan mission trip to Nepal underway

Staff Report
A small group from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, including a reporter for The Catholic Telegraph, are in Nepal in for an interfaith mission trip to build relationships with the Maryknoll and Jesuit missionaries, and to visit the refugee camp in Jhapa.
Below is a report from Mike Gable, director of the archdiocesan Mission Office, who is on the trip.
“Above is a photo today taken some miles out of Kathmandu, Nepal, where a group of 10 from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati visited one of the Maryknoll projects started by Father Joe Thaler with his dedicated friends. The fellow in the middle, with whom I’m shaking hands, worked with Father Thaler to develop this organization over recent years to reach out to “differently abled” people who had polio, or other handicapped people.
“Over a nine month training program, they learn how to make clothes and then are granted a sewing machine to return to their home villages to make a living and teach others to sew. Some of the students shared their stories about major challenges they faced but they also shared their new dreams, pride and joy about their achievements as they faced many odds.
“Today was their graduation day! There were was tears of joy among them and my group when realized the empowerment of Holy Spirit working through Father Joe and his co-workers who have changed the lives of dozens of others through this program. I invite you make a donation to Father Thaler’s project through the Cincinnati Mission Office.”