Posts Tagged

Daley column

Pope Francis…a thief? When I first heard it mentioned, I smiled faintly in disbelief. If anyone knows not to break the seventh commandment — You Shall Not Steal — it’s this guy. Yet, come to find out, it is true. The pope’s a thief.

It’s a sight that fills every cradle Catholic with dread: Walking into church for Mass the first few pews are not only filled, but nicely dressed people are seated in them. Trouble. Something’s not right. Looking more closely the culprit is spied—a baby. Infant Baptism. Are you kidding me? Mass …

First Communion Sunday. It had been anticipated in our house for some months. Of course, there were the preparations at school. These culminated one evening where a dinner was held during which the story of Israel’s Passover from slavery into freedom was connected with Jesus’ Last Supper at which the …

Though I’m having a hard time admitting it to myself, I’m now what’s considered to be middle-aged. As much as I want to deny it, one thing that confirms this stage in my life at present is my dislike, even fear, of surprises.

 It’s a word the Catholic Church has long avoided being associated with — scandal. Far from it to be a cause of disillusionment or a stumbling block against faith. In the past, the very mention of scandal being a possibility was, depending on the activity, enough to get someone to …