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Burmese cardinal urges prayer octave for China

Yangon, Burma, Mar 14, 2021 / 09:50 am MT (CNA).- Charles Maung Cardinal Bo of Yangon on Sunday called for the expansion of a day of prayer for the Church in China, established by Benedict XVI, into an octave. In 2007, Benedict designated May 24, the feast of Our Lady …
Catholic nun begs police not to shoot protesters during Myanmar unrest

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Mar 10, 2021 / 08:10 am MT (CNA).- A religious sister in northern Burma knelt before police on Monday, begging them not to use violent force against protestors. In avideo, Sr. Ann Rose Nu Tawng, a member of the Sisters of St. Francis Xavier, can …
Cardinal Bo urges Burma’s military to release Aung San Suu Kyi after ‘shocking’ coup

CNA Staff, Feb 3, 2021 / 11:38 am MT (CNA).- Cardinal Charles Maung Bo urged Burma’s military on Wednesday to release Aung San Suu Kyi after its “shocking” coup on Feb. 1. In a statement published Feb. 3 on the website of the Archdiocese of Yangon, the cardinal appealed to …