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Rooted in the Language of the Soul

Carmelite Spirituality is one of the oldest in the Catholic tradition, having roots in the Old Testament with the prophet Elijah. His witness inspired hermits to live on Mount Carmel, the tradition was carried to Europe and reformed in the 16th century, and the spirituality continues to be lived out …
Catholic Spirituality: Carmelites

In the mind of God, our Creator, we are each unique and unrepeatable creations. We are made in His image and likeness, of course, but each person has differing degrees of intelligence, methods of learning, gifts and creative ways of expression. It is no wonder, then, that our paths to …
July 16: Our Lady of Mount Carmel

On July 16 the Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Mount Carmel is the mountain in the middle of the plain of Galilee on which the prophet Elijah called down a miracle of fire from the Lord, to show the people of Israel who had strayed …
March 31: Blessed Jane of Toulouse

Blessed Jane lived in the French town of Toulouse during the 13th century. A Carmelite monastery was founded in the same town in 1240 which exposed Jane to the Carmelite lifestyle and spirituality. In 1265 when St. Simon Stock, a 13th century reformer of the Carmelites, was passing through Toulouse, Jane …
Carmelite sister finds joy in ministering to the elderly

It was as a child that Sister M. Teresa Kathleen Dominick first became acquainted with the compassionate and skilled ministry of the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm. The community, founded by Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa, ministers to the elderly in the person of Christ, while always returning to …
Teresian Carmelites in India dispatch first group of sisters to U.S.
By Navar Watson Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — A small group of Teresian Carmelites from India are quickly adjusting to their new life in the Diocese of Bismarck, N.D., helping out in the Catholic Indian Mission and teaching at St. Bernard Mission School in Fort Yates.