Posts Tagged
Other Gospels

Is it true that the Church destroyed other gospels besides the four Gospels? In the early Christian world, there were many writings about Jesus and the apostles—not just the four canonical Gospels and other writings that became part of the New Testament. Additional related writings from this time that the …
Preach the Gospel

In the Great Commission, Jesus tells His disciples, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation” (Mk. 15:16). But what good is it to preach, if the Word is never heard? Before the advent of the microphone, churches sought to use the technology at hand to …
Seize the Moment: The Good News and Bad News of the Gospel

The doctor reluctantly dialed the number. A patient had suffered terrible injuries playing baseball, and he needed to inform the young man that his prognosis was grim. As the phone rang, the doctor searched for a gentle way to deliver the news. He decided to tell a joke: Patient: “Doctor, …
Cardinal Pell: Gospel ‘helped me to survive’ in prison

CNA Staff, Jun 15, 2020 / 11:40 am MT (CNA).- Cardinal George Pell told a group of Australian students that his Christian faith helped him persevere through his time in prison, and offered advice on how to overcome grief and stressful situations. Pell, in one of his first public appearances …
USCCB contest offers parishes chance to win ‘pocket gospels’
Staff Report A contest currently offered by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops gives any parish the chance to win 250 “pocket gospels.” To sign up, click HERE and nominate your parish.