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Being Catholic in the face of scandal

In the last few months, national news stories have outlined new allegations of abuse and misconduct involving bishops, priests, and even seminarians from various dioceses. It’s hard to read about. Very hard. It can test the faith of even the strongest of Catholics. Yet, you’re still Catholic. Why? …
Ordinary images help explain Mass to children

“Daddy, why is the priest dressed like Jesus?” Do you remember that question? I used it in the very first article introducing this column, as an example of a teaching moment we could seize. It dawned on me recently that we could challenge ourselves and ask an even …
Hardesty for June: Five ways to keep your faith on campus

You just graduated from high school. Congratulations! Now college is on the horizon, a time full of promise and possibility. You will learn a lot, meet interesting people, choose a career, and possibly even find the person you will marry. You will also make important decisions about your faith …
Nicholas Hardesty for May: Religion and science are not at war

Many people reject religion and even leave the church today because they believe that religious faith is at odds with reasonable, scientific inquiry. You may have heard it before: “I’ll believe in God if you can give me empirical proof that God exists.” “How can I …