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Synod on Synodality: Vatican publishes full list of participants

By Courtney Mares Rome Newsroom, Jul 7, 2023 / 06:42 am The Vatican published Friday the full list of participants who will take part in the upcoming Synod on Synodality assembly in October. Nearly a third of the 364 voting delegates in the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of …
Cardinal Dolan outlines 7 ‘non-negotiables’ for the Synod on Synodality

by Joe Bukuras New York City, N.Y., Oct 19, 2021 / 17:09 pm In an effort to explain Pope Francis’ vision for the Synod on Synodality for his flock, Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s homily Sunday offered seven “non-negotiables” that Jesus intended for the Church. The Synod on Synodality, initiated by Pope …
US dioceses prepare to open synod process this month

by Jonah McKeown Denver Newsroom, Oct 14, 2021 / 14:35 pm Dioceses across the United States are preparing for the consultation process for the Synod on Synodality, a two-year, worldwide undertaking during which Catholics will be encouraged to submit feedback to their local diocese. Most dioceses contacted by CNA said …
Pope Francis to declare St. Irenaeus a Doctor of the Church with title ‘Doctor of Unity’

by Courtney Mares Vatican City, Oct 7, 2021 / 06:50 am Pope Francis said on Thursday that he plans to declare St. Irenaeus of Lyon a Doctor of the Church with the title “Doctor unitatis,” meaning “Doctor of Unity.” The pope made the announcement in a speech to the St. …
Vatican asks all Catholic dioceses to take part in synod on synodality

by Courtney Mares Vatican City, May 21, 2021 / 04:30 am America/Denver (CNA). The Vatican announced Friday that the Synod of Bishops on synodality has been postponed to 2023, with a two-year consultative preparatory phase involving Catholic dioceses worldwide. The synod on synodality will officially open with a “diocesan phase” …
Synod should reflect on possibly allowing female deacons, says archbishop Durocher

By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY —Canadian Archbishop Paul-Andre Durocher of Gatineau, Quebec, said the synod should reflect on the possibility of allowing for female deacons as it seeks ways to open up more opportunities for women in church life. Where possible, qualified women should be given higher positions …
African cardinal: Pressure groups behind push to change Church teaching

CNA/EWTN News VATICAN — Innacurate media reports about Church teaching on homosexuality published after the synod’s midterm relatio are an attempt to pressure the Church to change its perennial teaching, a cardinal who is also a synod father has affirmed. Cardinal Robert Sarah, president of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, …
Anglican, Lutheran delegates say synod’s concerns are theirs, too
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Upholding the Christian ideal of marriage and family life while also reaching out to those whose lives do not reflect that ideal is a pastoral challenge faced by all Christian communities, said the Anglican representative to the Synod of Bishops. Anglican …
Family needed today as much as ever, synod official emphasizes
By Andrea Gagliarducci The Catholic Telegraph VATICAN CITY — The family is not an outdated model, and Catholics should defend it from the sins that call into question and often destroy the traditional family, the general rapporteur of the Synod of Bishops said Monday. Cardinal Peter Erdo of Esztergom-Budapest presented …
The Synod on the Family: a look beyond the media hype
By Ann Schneible CNA/EWTN News VATICAN CITY — As the media centers upon the question of whether the Church will change its teaching regarding reception of the Eucharist by those living in complex situations, there is a danger that many of the other, no less significant, issues may be falling …