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by John Stegeman There’s a presumption in some circles that Millennials (generally described as those born between 1980 and 2000) are not engaged in charitable giving, but a look at the data suggests this isn’t true. The reality is that Millennials are supporting non-profits, they just have fewer financial resources …

Millennials at Mass aren’t aren’t extinct, but they seem to be an endangered species. A recent Pew Research Center study noted that in 2014, just 16 percent of millennial Americans identified themselves as Catholic. The same study noted 35 percent of millennials identified themselves as “nones,” a term meaning they …

When you ask why millennials aren’t attending church on a regular basis, you get a variety of answers. Because of the music, or the sermons, or because we have the attention span of a gnat, some say. Because an hour for God is just too much, after all we’ve gotta …