Comboni Missionaries answer call to serve

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The Comboni Missionaries live to serve; to share the love of Jesus Christ through service to the poorest and most abandoned people throughout the world.
The Comboni Missionaries were born from the heart of Saint Daniel Comboni. He was born in Italy in 1831. At an early age he felt a strong call to the priesthood and to take the Gospel to Africa.
Despite a strong early history, Roman Catholicism was no longer well known in most of Africa by the time Comboni arrived on the continent. As the continent had yet to be fully explored by Europeans, St. Daniel led priests and lay people from different European countries to areas of Africa that were unmapped.
He founded two institutions of men and women to attend to the needs of the Africans of his time. But, above all, he dreamed of Africans being missionaries of their own people. His motto was “to save Africa with Africa.”
Now, more than 150 years later, the Comboni Missionaries are present in about 40 countries worldwide. They go to places of first evangelization – to people who have never heard about Jesus Christ and His teachings – to establish Christian communities so they can pray, learn, and practice the Word of God together.
Their commitment is to people who are deprived of their basic human rights to freedom, faith, health, education, a way to earn a living, and the opportunity to create a better life for themselves and the people they love.
In the United States their focus is pastoral work among Hispanics, adapting their ministries to the needs of the times. Comboni Missionary priests and brothers believe God’s call to mission is as strong today as it was 2,000 years ago when Jesus told His apostles, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation” (Mark 16:15). Jesus advocated for the poor, blessed them, listened to them, and loved them “even unto death.” Comboni Missionaries strive to do the same.
If you feel called to share the joy of the Gospel with those most in need through a life of service as a Comboni Missionary contact them here, or call 513-474-4997.
Learn more about the Comboni Missionaries at their website