Father Schnippel on tv tomorrow – gets his own beer today

Cincinnati’s Listermann Brewing Co. released a beer today based on a recipe by local parish priest, and former archdiocesan Vocations Director, Father Kyle Schnippel.
“Father Kyle’s Cinnamon Roll Stout” joined a long line of beers based on local notables, from FC Cincinnati’s goalkeeper Mitch Hildebrand to the Cincinnati Zoo’s Fiona the Hippo.
Its the latest in a surprise pastry-baking career for the pastor of St. John Neumann and Corpus Christi Churches, who left his parish with only a vague explanation for several weeks this summer to compete in the ABC holiday series “The Great American Baking Show.” Filmed in England on the set of international smash hit “The Great British Baking Show,” the American version, which airs on Thursday nights for three weeks, pits 10 home bakers against each other in a contest to bake elaborate holiday treats.
Father Schnippel, an accomplished cook, had only been baking for a few months when friend suggested he apply for the show.
He’ll appear along with another amateur Cincinnati baker, Jessie Salzbrun, who by day works as the content developer for a company that helps families manage household chores through phone apps. The two did not know each other before casting calls, but say that all 10 contestants are now fast friends.
Does having two contestants give Cincinnati an unfair advantage? Viewers will have to watch to find out, because Father Schnippel and Salzbrun are both sworn to secrecy on how well they do.
“The Great American Baking Show” airs Dec. 7 at 9 pm; a second episode will follow at 10 pm. St. John Neumann will hold a viewing party that just might feature some of Father Schnippel’s cinnamon rolls. Looking for something do think while you watch? The beer is available in four-packs for takeout from Listermann’s taproom, where it’s also available on draft.