Latest priest personnel appointments released

Staff Report
The Priests’ Personnel Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has announced appointments by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr.
The following appointments have already begun: Reverend Robert Thesing, SJ, part-time parochial administrator of St. Bernard and Mother of Christ effective October 1, 2012; Reverend Daniel Hartnett, SJ, pastor of St. Robert Bellarmine, effective January 1, 2013; Reverend Alfons W. Minja, C.PP.S., temporary parochial administrator of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Montezoma, effective February 27, 2013; Reverend Bonaventure M. Cai My Loc, CMC, Chaplain/Moderator of Sacred Heart, Dayton Vietnamese Catholic Community effective April 3, 2013.
The Priests’ Personnel Office also announced the following appointments that will begin this summer: Reverend Larry Tharp, pastor of Sacred Heart, Fairfield and St. Ann, Hamilton; Reverend Larry Gearhart, pastor of Champaign County Region which includes: Sacred Heart, St. Paris, St. Mary, Urbana, St. Michael, Mechanicsburg, Immaculate Conception, North Lewisburg; Reverend Daniel Meyer, pastor of St. Charles Borromeo in Kettering; Reverend Gregory Konerman, pastor of Holy Angels in Dayton; Reverend Tom McCarthy, pastor of St. Ann, Groesbeck; Reverend Michael Hay, pastor of St. Jude and St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Cincinnati, and Reverend James Simons, pastor of St. Denis, Versailles and Holy Family, Frenchtown, while remaining as pastor of Immaculate Conception, Bradford.
The following address changes were announced: Reverend Joseph Raudabaugh, 2501 Keystone Club Drive, Dayton, OH 45439; Reverend James Fitz, S.M., Vice President for Mission and Rector, University of Dayton, 300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469-1638; Reverend Gerald Niklas, c/o 3419 Kate Green’s Court, Cincinnati, OH 45211.