Life’s 5th Quarter Fills Holy Name

Holy Name Church in Mt. Auburn was full of pro-life students and their families on Halloween weekend for the latest Life’s 5th Quarter youth-focused Mass and rosary procession to Planned Parenthood.
The church hosts two different pro-life groups, Helpers of God’s Precious Infants and Mary’s Mantle, who hold the same event on alternate Saturdays. But last year a third group, headed by Covington Catholic High School football coach Rich Andolina, stepped up to host the event on months that have a fifth Sunday.
Named after the “fifth quarter” in a football game that has gone into overtime, the event aims to bring young people into the pro-life movement in what Coach Andolina hopes is the equivalent of overtime for legal abortion. Covington Bishop Roger Foys and Cincinnati Archibishop Dennis Schnurr and Auxiliary Bishop Joe Binzer have all celebrated Mass for the event, which attracts regular attendees of the Saturday pro-life Masses as well as students from area colleges, high schools, elementary schools, and homeschooling families.
All are welcome at any of the pro-life Masses and processions, which begin at 8:30 am. The next Life’s 5th Quarter even will be held January 29th. For information see the Life’s 5th Quarter Facebook page.