Home» Elder High School - Rosary Rally

Elder High School - Rosary Rally

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Elder High School - Rosary Rally1:30 pm -

Sunday, May 17, 2015, 1:30 p.m. Plan to celebrate the 10th annual Rosary Rally held at Elder High School's football stadium (The Pit).  The celebration starts with a procession and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament as the center of our devotion.  The recitation of the Holy Rosary, together with worship songs, and prayers along with a 60 foot helium filled balloon rosary make this gathering a memorable event.  Annually nearly tow thousand attendees come to this prayerful event.  Your presence makes a difference and blesses all those attending.  Local priest in our Archdiocese will lead us in prayer.  In case of bad weather, we will move indoors to the basketball gymnasium.  Any questions call Guy Langenbrunner at 763-0613 or Roger Glandorf at 251-7729.

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