Holy Redeemer Church - Religious Eductation In-Service
Holy Redeemer Church - Religious Eductation In-Service7:00 pm -
Wednesday, January 7, 2015, 7-8:15 p.m. Religious Education In-Service with key note speaker Mary Pat Austing will be at Holy Redeemer Parish Hall, New Bremen. Find Out what Mr. Potato Head, Dominos and Play dough have to do with Faith Formation! Mary Pat will show us how to make the Gospel come alive in our classrooms and show us how to delve deeper into understanding God's great love for us and much more. Come and gather some new ideas for your ministry as a catechist. This event is open to all Catechists and those involved in Religious Education throughout the St. Mary's Deanery. Use this event as a skill requirement for Catechist Certification! Mark your calendars and plan to attend!