McAuley High School - Father and Daughter(s) Dance
McAuley High School - Father and Daughter(s) Dance8:00 pm -
Saturday, February 28, 2015, 8-11 p.m. McAuley Father and Daughter(s) Dance located in: McAuley's cafeteria. All McAuley grads and their fathers are invited. COST: $40 per couple and $15 for each additional daughter. Admission covers drinks and snacks. Buy tickets online at or mail a check (Made payable to McAuley), to: McAuley High School; Attention: Brigitte Foley; 6000 Oakwood Avenue; Cincinnati, OH 45224. Tickets must be purchased by 2/20/15. If you have question, please contact Brigitte Foley at [email protected]