Home» Our Lady of the Holy Spirit - Lenten Women's Retreat

Our Lady of the Holy Spirit - Lenten Women's Retreat

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Our Lady of the Holy Spirit - Lenten Women's Retreat3:23 pm -

Friday, March 13-Saturday, March 14, 2015.  Please join us for a Lenten women's retreat.  Take time from your busy schedules to reflect with retreat master Elizabeth Ficocelli on "Becoming Women of Virtue with the help of Sts. Bernadette, Faustina and Therese.  $160 includes 2 night stay, 4 meals, retreat talks, daily Mass and more.  The retreat will be at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center; 5440 Moeller Avenue; Norwood, OH.  For more information call 351-9800, ext. 305 or visit www.olhsc.org under the activities button.  Advance registration is necessary.

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