Home» St. Columbkille, Wilmington - March for Life Spaghetti Dinner

St. Columbkille, Wilmington - March for Life Spaghetti Dinner

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St. Columbkille, Wilmington - March for Life Spaghetti Dinner5:00 pm -

Monday, January 19, 2015, 5-6 p.m.  Join the March for Life! 42nd Anniversary.  March around Clinton County Courthouse and support our local Right to Life  and enjoy a delicious spaghetti Dinner.  Come to St. Columbkille Parish Basement!  Proceeds benefit Right to Life.  Cost: $8 per person; $28 per family of 4; $35 per family of 5 or more.  Children ages 5 & under - Eat Free!

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