Home» St. Rita School for the Deaf - The Roaring 20's Grand Affair

St. Rita School for the Deaf - The Roaring 20's Grand Affair

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St. Rita School for the Deaf - The Roaring 20's Grand Affair7:00 pm -

Saturday, November 15, 2014, 7-11 p.m.  at Evendale Recreation Center; 10500 Reading Road; Evendale, OH 45241.  All ticket prices include appetizers, dinner & drinks.  $50 per person/$75 per person (includes a raffle ticket to win cash)/$150 per couple (includes 2 raffle tickets to win cash) This is a Scholarship Benefit, a fun filled  evening that benefits the children of St. Rita School for the Deaf which guests in attendance enjoy food, drinks, lively entertainment, a silent auction, and a chance to win big money.  For more information contact Julie O'Meara at St. Rita School for the Deaf or call 513-771-7600, ext. 324

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