Seven ordained priests before packed cathedral [Photo Gallery]

Even with overflow seating prepared, the crowd at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains was standing room only to witness the ordination of seven new priests Saturday, May 21.
See more than 50 photos from the event below
By laying hands upon them, Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr ordained to the priesthood Fathers Chris Geiger, Sean Wilson, Timothy Fahey, Jason Williams Alex McCullough, Matt Feist and Eric Roush.
At the conclusion of Mass, Archbishop Schnurr announced the assignments for the new priests. All assignments are effective July 1.
Father Timothy Fahey – Parochial Vicar St. Margaret of York in Loveland.
Father Matthew Feist – Parochial Vicar at Fort Recovery cluster (Mary Help of Christians, St. Paul in Sharpsburg, St. Joseph in St. Joseph and St. Peter in St. Peter.
Father Christopher Geiger – Parochial Vicar at Pastoral Region of St. Andrew Parish and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Milford.
Father Alexander McCullough – Parochial Vicar of St. Ignatius, Cincinnati.
Father Eric Rousch – Parochial Vicar at St. Susanna parish in Mason.
Father Jason Williams – Parochial Vicar of the Pastoral Region of St. Margaret-St. John Parish, St. Anthony Parish and St. Cecilia Parish in Cincinnati.
Father Sean Wilson – Parochial Vicar of the parishes of the Petersburg Cluster (St. John the Evangelist in Fryburg, St. Lawrence in Rhine, Immaculate Conception in Botkins and St. Joseph in Wapokoneta.
The Catholic Telegraph will publish a full story and photo gallery later this weekend.
For more information on the men ordained, see their seminarian profiles HERE.