Sisters of Charity bestow St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Award
January 23, 2012
ST. LAWRENCE DEANERY — The Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati awarded the congregation’s highest honor, the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Award, to Roberta Saunders, Tim Moller and Kathy Sparks, three people who carry forth the mission and vision of the congregation and who embody its motto, “The Charity of Christ Urges Us.”

The awards were bestowed Jan. 8 in the Immaculate Conception Chapel at the Mount St. Joseph Motherhouse, Delhi Township, during the celebration of Mass.
Tim Moller, is the chief financial officer for the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati. He has helped the congregation to steward resources with integrity, honesty, compassion, prudence and humor. His financial acumen and attention to detail enable the congregation to care for their Sisters, their sponsored ministries and brothers and sisters in need. Moller challenges the Sisters of Charity to imagine and plan for a future full of hope. In addition, he generously gives his time and professional skills to other religious congregations and organizations that seek his wise counsel.
Roberta Saunders serves as housekeeper in the motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity. She exemplifies and supports the mission and values of the Sisters of Charity by her welcoming spirit, considerate demeanor, generosity, anticipation of needs, respect and reverence for each person, and positive attitude. She lives the congregational motto by doing ordinary tasks in an extraordinary way.
Kathleen Sparks is the principal at Resurrection Elementary School in Price Hill. Like Elizabeth Ann Seton, she has devoted her life to nurturing and forming young children, many of whose families live in poverty. Her efforts have enabled families to gain assistance with busing, vouchers and other financial aid. Spark’s determination resulted in obtaining daily food programs that others had considered impossible to secure and manage. She leads the faculty and staff in bringing children to a love of God and each other.