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Texas city votes to become the latest ‘Sanctuary City for the Unborn’

Washington D.C., May 4, 2021 / 19:00 pm America/Denver (CNA). Citizens in Lubbock, Texas voted this past weekend to declare the city a “Sanctuary City for the Unborn,” drawing praise from the diocese’s bishop. “I join with many others in the city of Lubbock, including many of our Catholic Faithful, …
ACLU gets $15 million LGBT grant from billionaire foe of Christian morals and religious freedom

by CNA Staff CNA Staff, Mar 11, 2021 / 08:31 pm MT (CNA).- The American Civil Liberties Union has received a major donation from a billionaire heir whose LGBT activism includes both funding for efforts to limit religious freedom and funding for Christian groups – including Catholic dissenters – that …
ACLU Sues Ohio over Down Syndrome Abortion Ban

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a suit against the State of Ohio’s new law against abortion babies who may have Down Syndrome this week. Filing on behalf of most of the abortion businesses in the state, including the two in Cincinnati and Kettering, the ACLU’s suit says that the law …