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Making Sense of the U.S. Census

“In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled. This was the first enrollment, when Quirin’ius was governor of Syria. And all went to be enrolled, each to his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of …
Pope Francis to open event on Italy’s demographic decline

by Courtney Mares Vatican City, May 3, 2021 / 07:00 am America/Denver (CNA). The Vatican announced Monday that Pope Francis will open an event on Italy’s demographic winter as the country’s birth rate has hit a historic low. Pope Francis will give the opening remarks for the General States of …
Why ‘disappointing’ Census numbers are such a concern

by Matt Hadro Washington D.C., Apr 30, 2021 / 04:00 am America/Denver (CNA). New Census numbers show the U.S. had its slowest decade of population growth since the Great Depression – and experts say this confirms a pre-existing downward trend. On Monday, the U.S. Census Bureau released its decennial count …