Posts Tagged
Evangelii Gaudium
Vatican document on human dignity condemns gender transition, surrogacy, abortion

By Tyler Arnold Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Apr 8, 2024 / 09:15 am The Vatican’s top doctrinal office issued a declaration on the theme of human dignity on Monday that addresses growing concerns such as gender theory, sex changes, surrogacy, and euthanasia in addition to abortion, poverty, human trafficking, and war. “In …
Do you Already Evangelize?

If you’re anything like me, when you hear the word “evangelization,” you tend to immediately curl up on yourself and consider hiding under a table. The term can conjure images of mega-churches, religious pamphlets and people approaching me to talk about religion and make me uncomfortable. That’s not a great …

When I was a kid, I used to hate making my bed. To me, it just didn’t make any sense. Why am I making my bed when I’m just going to mess it up again? Is someone coming over? If not, why bother? But, despite my protests, I had to …
US nuncio: Francis’ ‘pastoral thrust’ must reach Americans

By Ed Condon Baltimore, Md., Nov 11, 2019 / 10:03 am (CNA).- The apostolic nuncio to the United States told the nation’s bishops that their commitment to evangelization is the measure of their communion with Pope Francis. Archbishop Christoph Pierre addressed the bishops during the opening session of the USCCB …
In apostolic exhortation, pope lays out his vision for an evangelical church

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — In his first extensive piece of writing as pope, Pope Francis lays out a vision of the Catholic Church dedicated to evangelization in a positive key, with a focus on society’s poorest and most vulnerable, including the aged and unborn. …