Posts Tagged
Holy Orders
Pope Francis on women deacons: ‘Holy orders is reserved for men’

By Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Oct 25, 2023 / 12:35 pm Pope Francis reaffirmed the impossibility of women becoming priests, or even modern Church deacons, in an interview for a book released Tuesday in Italy. The question of whether some women in the early Church were “deaconesses” or another kind of …
Seven new Priest for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Today, May 15, 2021, seven men were ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrated the Mass and conferred the Holy Orders of Priesthood. Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, from the Archdiocese for the Military Services, concelebrated the Mass. The seven new priests were given …
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati will receive three new servant leaders later this month when I ordain Deacons Christopher Komoroski, Benson Lokidiriyo and Andrew Reckers to the priesthood. This moment of great joy for me and for the local Church comes at a time of continuing fear, anxiety, social tension and …
Ordination: Largest class in 40 years ordained priests May 18, 2019

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati joyfully celebrated the largest class of priests being ordained in 40 years. A full cathedral was on hand as the men were ordained to the priesthood for service to God and the Church. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrated the Mass. Bishop Joseph R. Binzer concelebrated the …
Today’s Photo Essay: Candidacy to Holy Orders

Congratulations to all the men who recently received candidacy to holy orders! Please pray for them as they continue their discernment. (Photos by EL Hubbard) Archdiocese of Cincinnati Brice Jacob Berger Adam Christopher Berning Stephen Augustine Codekas John Paul Grusenmeyer Antonio James Losekamp Benjamin Steven Mersch Matthew Elliot Montag Anthony …
Today’s Video: A quick look at Ordination 2019 in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati joyfully celebrated the largest class of priests being ordained in 40 years. They are, Father Alex Biryomumeisho, Father Mark Bredestege, Father Zach Cecil, Father Christian Cone-Lombarte, Father Ambrose Dobrozsi, Father Andrew Hess, Father Elias Mwesigye, Father Jeff Stegbauer and Father Jedidiah Tritle. Check back later this …
Join the Novena and Meet our 9 new Archdiocesan Priest

On May 18, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will celebrate the historic ordination of nine men to the priesthood! Deacons Alex Biroymumeisho, Mark Bredestege, Zachary Cecil, Christian Cone-Lombarte, Ambrose Dobroszi, Andrew Hess, Elias Mwesigye, Jeffrey Stegbauer, and Jedidiah Tritle have spent many years studying, discerning, and serving in preparation for this …
Today’s Video: Celebrating 2 new priest for the Glenmary Home Missions.

Celebrating the Ordination of Father Charles Aketch and Father Richard Toboso, Glenmary’s newest missionary priests. The Ordination was held at St. John Neumann Church in Fairfield, on April 27, 2019.
Seek the Lord for May by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati ordains men to the priesthood each May. This is also a popular month for weddings. That is probably a coincidence, but an appropriate one. Matrimony and Holy Orders (which includes the permanent diaconate) are both important sacraments that, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, …
Meet the new Transitional Deacons

April 29, 2017 – On a stormy morning which brought flooding, trees and power lines down throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, four men along with a full crowd at The Cathedral of Saint Peter in Chains gathered for the Ordination of Deacons. The men ordained were Craig Edward Best from …