Posts Tagged
Medical Mission
Carrying Christ to the Sick

by Kary Ellen Berger As one of the seven sacraments, the Eucharist is a holy encounter central to our spiritual lives. While most Catholics receive this sacrament during the Mass, earthly saints bring the Eucharist from Mass to those who otherwise would not receive it. Throughout our archdiocese, countless individuals …
The Art of Nursing: Catholic Nurses Create Network of Support

by Susie Bergman Nursing is not only a complicated science, it is a magnificent art. In addition to employing years of scientific training and study, frontline healthcare professionals must also become masters of emotional intelligence. There’s a subtle, yet indistinguishable beauty that emerges when the practice of human empathy, compassion …
Africa Trip Provides Opportunity for Building Relationships

By Eileen Connelly, OSU Why travel halfway around the world when there is plenty to worry about in our own backyard? Because experiencing the diversity of our Catholic faith and the mutual impact made through building relationships with our brothers and sisters in other cultures can be spiritually enriching and …