Posts Tagged
Papal visit to the US
Bishop Conley asks Pope Francis to provide ‘encouragement, clarity, support’ to U.S. bishops

By Jonah McKeown CNA Staff, May 24, 2024 / 13:02 pm Bishop James Conley of the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, on Friday encouraged Pope Francis to “familiarize himself” with the American episcopate before a prospective return to the United States, which Conley said “could be an opportunity for the Holy Father to see …
A Look Back: Archdiocese pilgrims experience a ‘day of blessings’ in Philadelphia

By Eileen Connelly, OSU As the sun rose on Philadelphia Sept. 27, dozens of pilgrims from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati arrived on several buses that departed from the Pilarczyk Center in Dayton the night before for the trip of a lifetime — to catch a glimpse of Pope Francis and …
Pope’s prison visit should have broad impact, says sister who teaches there
By Lindsay Hueston Catholic News Service PHILADELPHIA — A woman religious who teaches a course at the Philadelphia prison Pope Francis visited Sept. 27 believes the pope’s outreach to prisoners will have an impact on the criminal justice system in America. “He’ll be aware of the injustices that may occur …
Lesson for synod seen in joy evident at World Meeting of Families
By Rhina Guidos Catholic News Service PHILADELPHIA — It’s difficult to forget Pope Francis’ passionate Sept. 26 speech, his gestures and the tone of his voice when he addressed the value of the family in Philadelphia. A “society grows strong, grows in goodness, grows in beauty and truly grows if …
People with disabilities ‘welcomed, valued’ during Pope Francis’ visit
By Kurt Jensen Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — When Pope Francis encountered and blessed children during his apostolic visit to the United States, there were events everyone saw because they were on live TV, with others known only their participants. These were sometimes by chance. Other times, there was advance …
Vatican says pope’s meeting with Kentucky clerk is not endorsement
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis’ meeting with Kim Davis, the county clerk from Kentucky who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses, does not equate support for her “position,” the Vatican spokesman said after discussing the issue personally with the pope. Jesuit Father …
A point of view from the Capitol
By Pam Long Regional Social Action Director About the closest I came to seeing Pope Francis was on the jumbotron on the West Lawn of the Capitol, but what I really got to see was the face of the Catholic Church in the United States. Around me were Latinas, African …
Pope Francis Calls Forth the Best in Us

By Tony Stieritz Archdiocese of Cincinnati Catholic Social Action Office Director Pope Francis’s superstardom is back in Rome, and I already miss him. Some of it has to do with his bold words and humble interactions with so many people, especially the poor. But mostly it’s because of what he …
Pope Francis makes unscheduled stop at St. Joseph’s University
By Catholic News Service PHILADELPHIA — Pope Francis made an unscheduled stop at Jesuit-run St. Joseph’s University Sept. 27, greeting campus officials, students and religious leaders. The pope made the visit on his way en route from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, where he was staying, to downtown Philadelphia for the …
Testimonies of keeping the faith during trying times bring many to tears
By Elizabeth Fisher Catholic News Service PHILADELPHIA — Marita Thomas was among those in the crowd at the Festival of Families Sept. 26 who were moved to tears as they listened to families selected to come onstage to tell Pope Francis how they coped with hardship by clinging to God. …