Posts Tagged
Sacred Heart Parish
Raised in Faith: The Early life of Bishop Elect Earl Fernandes

Bishop-elect Earl K. Fernandes, the son of immigrant parents from India, speaks about his childhood with reverence and a healthy dose of good humor. “My father came to the United States in January of 1970. The Vietnam War was on and there was a shortage of physicians in this country …
Obituary: Reverend John E. Wall

Reverend John E. Wall passed away on April 20, 2021, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was born on September 13, 1931 in Cincinnati. He did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary, Cincinnati and studied theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West, Norwood, Ohio. He was ordained on May …
Sacred Heart in New Carlisle hosts trap shoot event
By Sarah Anne Carter For The Catholic Telegraph While searching for ideas for a parish get-together, one member of Sacred Heart in New Carlisle found the perfect fit out in the woods. The parish hosted a trap shoot Nov. 8, and about 35 parishioners attended, along with Father Ken Hummel, …
Scalabrinian presence in Cincinnati to end after 124 years
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Just three years after their order was approved by Pope Leo XII, the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo (C.S.) made their way to Cincinnati. A priest of the order, popularly referred to as Scalabrinians after their founder Bishop Giovanna Battista Scalabrini, helped found Sacred …
Recent Badin graduate focused on service
Friday, June 5, 2009 By Carmen M. Hubbard HAMILTON DEANERY — Heeding God’s message involves more than just listening to His word. It also requires serving others with faith and enthusiasm, and that is just how Emily Davis approaches her outreach efforts.
Clipping coupons for the greater good
Thursday, March 19, 2009 By Carmen M. Hubbard HAMILTON DEANERY — Some motherly advice struck a chord with Marie Wilson about being mindful of the necessities that are sometimes taken for granted. She realized that despite the tough economy, she and her family have been blessed with food that they …