Posts Tagged

Sister Thea Bowman

“In every age and culture, communities have raised up men and women who lived saintly lives in the movements of their day. In every continent, the Church has canonized men and and women to whom we can acknowledge the possibility for everyone to aspire to live as excellent witnesses of …

Washington D.C., Feb 11, 2021 / 04:10 pm MT (CNA).- Black Catholic nuns have made manifold contributions to the Church in the United States, and theirs is a story that needs to be told, one historian says. Generations of black Catholic women “fought against racism in order to answer God’s …

By Jim Graves Newport Beach, California, Feb 28, 2023 / 12:55 pm Among the history revisited for Black History Month, Catholics would do well to recall that there are currently six African American Catholics who are on the path to sainthood. Archbishop Timothy Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, …

CNA Staff, Jun 18, 2020 / 03:00 am MT (CNA).- Sister Thea Bowman was the granddaughter of a slave, an advocate for racial justice, and the first African American woman to address the U.S. bishops’ conference. Two years ago, her sainthood cause was opened. “She was an outstanding teacher and …