Posts Tagged
Vatican Observatory
Moonlight Musings

During the 12 years I lived and worked with the Pope’s astronomers at the Vatican Observatory, located 15 miles outside of Rome at Castel Gandolfo, I had the privilege of welcoming many visitors. People loved seeing the four beautiful and historic telescopes housed under retractable domes atop the Papal Palace …
A total solar eclipse through a lens of faith

By Judy Roberts National Catholic Register, Apr 7, 2024 / 14:00 pm When the moon passes between the sun and Earth creating a total solar eclipse on April 8, many Catholics in its path will be looking skyward to observe the phenomenon from a spiritual and scientific perspective. Some will gather at retreat …
Catholic astronomers: Newly discovered planet a testament to Earth’s ‘startling uniqueness’

by Peter Pinedo Washington D.C., Jan 19, 2023 / 12:45 pm A potentially habitable “Earth-sized” planet has been discovered, NASA announced last week. Catholic scientists from the Vatican Observatory and Benedictine College hailed the discovery of the planet, named TOI 700 e, as “exciting” and a testament “to the marvels …
Remembering the first Christmas in space: Here’s how it happened

By Jonah McKeown St. Louis, Mo., Dec 26, 2022 / 10:00 am 1968 was a turbulent year for America. As the Vietnam War raged and peaceful figures such as Martin Luther King, Jr., lost their lives at assassins’ hands, cities across the United States were convulsed by riots. In the midst …
Vatican Observatory’s new website a launch pad to show the Catholic Church supports science

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Apr 8, 2021 / 05:00 am America/Denver (CNA). The Vatican’s astronomical observatory has launched a new website as part of its mission to show the world the Catholic Church’s support of science and scientific research. Together with the website, which has hundreds of resources on …
Catholic priest ‘thoroughly surprised’ to have asteroid named after him

CNA Staff, Jun 26, 2020 / 05:00 am MT (CNA).- Somewhere between Mars and Jupiter there is a hunk of rock that now bears the name of a living English Catholic priest. Fr. Christopher Corbally said Wednesday that he was “thoroughly surprised” when he heard asteroid 119248 had been named …