Posts Tagged
youth rally
Archdiocese of Washington cancels Youth Rally, Mass for Life held at March for Life events

by Joe Bukuras Boston, Mass., Nov 15, 2022 / 07:16 am The Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., announced that its annual Youth Rally and Mass for Life, which both typically take place in conjunction with the national March for Life in Washington D.C., have been canceled. “After a consultation process that …
Archbishop Gregory hails youth for life: ‘They have the energy to pull it off’

Washington D.C., Jan 24, 2020 / 06:40 am (CNA).- An estimated 18,000 young Catholics from around the country filled the Capital One Arena in downtown Washington, DC, Friday morning for the annual Youth Rally and Mass for Life. Organized by the Archdiocese of Washington, the early morning rally opens a …
CHOSEN youth rally draws 650 (Photos)

Staff Report Roughly 450 youth, 100 chaperones, 65 parents and 35 volunteers took part in “CHOSEN: Called to be More” at Good Shepherd Nov. 8. The four-and-a-half-hour youth rally included Mass, exposition, music and talks led by NET Ministries. Parents present attended a separate session designed just for them.