Archbishop Schnurr, Bishop Binzer celebrated Masses for World Day of Peace

Staff Report
Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr and Auxiliary Bishop Joseph R. Binzer each celebrated a Mass in honor of the 46th World Day of Peace on the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Jan. 1.

Archbishop Schnurr celebrated Mass at 11 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains in downtown Cincinnati, while Bishop Binzer celebrated Mass at 10 a.m. at St. Benedict the Moor Church on Liscum Drive in Dayton.
Pope Francis had announced that the theme for the World Day of Peace is “Fraternity, the Foundation and Pathway to Peace.”
Archbishop Schnurr spoke on that theme during his homily Wednesday.
“The basis of fraternity is found in God’s Fatherhood,” he said. “The Fatherhood of God, once recognized and welcomed, becomes the most formidable means of transforming our lives and relationships with others, opening us to solidarity and to genuine sharing, and enabling us to accept the legitimate differences that are typical of brothers and sisters.”
“The message of peace was proclaimed by the angels at the birth of Jesus as they announced the good news to the shepherds,” Archbishop Schnurr said. “Jesus, the Prince of Peace, shows us way to true peace and this peace will remain forever. The birth of Jesus has transformed the whole world because by His birth we all become adopted children of God, allowing us to call Him “Our Father.” And because of that common Fatherhood, we enjoy fraternity, the foundation and pathway to peace.”
Bishop Binzer also discussed fraternity in his homily.
“Pope Francis reminds us that each one of us is fundamentally equal to each other because we are all created in God’s image and likeness, and that in Christ, our peace, we are no longer rivals or enemies, or strangers, or people who focus on differences, but we are beloved sons and daughters of God and beloved brothers and sisters of our Lord,” Bishop Binzer said. “And that understanding, that fraternity, is the foundation and pathway to peace. The invitation of our Lord is to lose ourselves for the sake of others, and serve others instead of oppressing others.”
Mass at both locations were followed by a reception with light refreshments.
The Masses were sponsored by the Archdiocesan Offices of Catholic Social Action, Worship and Mission.