Around the Archdiocese for Feb. 3: The Light is ON again

Staff Report
From 7-9 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3, every parish in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will be open for quiet prayer and the opportunity for the Sacrament of Confession.
The event, called “The Light is ON For You” is the sophomore run for an initiative the archdiocese began last year. (CLICK HERE for more)
Last year’s “Light is ON For You” took place in Mid-March and a survey of 155 priests reported 93.4 percent considered it a worthwhile initiative. Moreover, 88 percent of priests were in favor of doing it again.
While the complete number of penitents taking advantage of the opportunity for confession last year was incalculable, the 150-plus priests who answered the survey reported a combined 3,437. The archdiocese-wide number was likely much higher.
To learn more about The Light is ON For You, or for confession resources, visit For ordinary Reconciliation times at Archdiocese of Cincinnati parishes, click HERE.
Faithful invited to participate in Synod of the Family Survey
The Lineamenta, or outline for the XIV Ordinary General Assembly to take place Oct. 4-25, 2015, will focus on the topic, “The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and in the Contemporary World.”
Although the synod is for the Catholic Bishops, Pope Francis is interested in the views of the faithful. To read an invitation to participate from Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M Schnurr, follow the link below. From there, there are additional links to background material and a survey. Click to begin.
New exhibit at UD Marian Library features 22-karat gold images
The University of Dayton‘s Marian Library will feature an exhibit that uses precious gold leaf to explore the rich tradition of art featuring Mary, the mother of Jesus.
“Past into Present: Gilded Treasures,” will be on display Feb. 9 to April 24 in the Marian Library Gallery, Roesch Library. The exhibit is open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and Saturday and Sunday by appointment by calling 937-229-4214. It’s free and open to the public.
Twenty pieces by Christian artist Sandra Bowden are featured in the exhibit. Using 22-karat gold leaf, Bowden interprets historical, religious works as delicate line drawings, illuminated by gilding.
Bowden has exhibited her work in more than 100 one-person shows. Her art is in many collections including the Vatican Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, the Museum of Biblical Art and the Haifa Museum. For more on her, visit
The University of Dayton’s Marian Library/International Marian Research Institute is a globally recognized center for the study of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and holds the world’s largest collection of printed materials and artifacts devoted to her. Visit the library at
Around the Archdiocese is compiled from press releases and other submissions sent to The Catholic Telegraph. To be included in a future posting contact New Media Editor John Stegeman.
Posted Feb. 3, 2015