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Going Forth with Intention

While working at my previous diocese many years ago, a coworker and I talked about taking a pilgrimage. Overhearing the conversation, our bishop asked where we were going. After we tossed around ideas for Rome, he considered our words for a moment then said, “And what’s the purpose of your …
Deepening Eucharistic Revival by Bishop Andrew Cozzens

Many people have asked me if leading the National Eucharistic Revival deepened my own relationship with Our Lord in the Eucharist. Indeed, yes! It has been a profound grace of the Revival, and I hope that’s true for many others too. In fact, I believe our Eucharistic Revival will only …
Set Aside Time for the Eucharist

As I pondered what to say about the Eucharist for this issue of the magazine, I found that I was at a loss for words—I mean that both figuratively and literally. What can I possibly say that those well versed in the study of the Eucharist and theology have not …
Seek the Lord for June 2024

“Do this in memory of me.” Jesus first spoke these words to His disciples as they gathered with Him in the Upper Room to eat the Passover meal on the eve of His Passion. He continues to speak these words to us at every Mass, at the end of the …
Busca al Senor

Mientras leen esto, miles de nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo están en peregrinación, caminando desde varias regiones de nuestro país para reunirse en el Congreso Eucarístico Nacional en Indianápolis. Este 17 al 21 de julio, fieles de todo el país se reunirán con alegría en el Estadio Lucas Oil …
Eucharistic pilgrimage brings Christ to the world

by Sister Constance Veit, lsp During Pentecost weekend I participated in an historic event in New Haven, Connecticut. I was not there to take part in another protest at Yale University, or even to attend any of the graduation ceremonies taking place there. Instead, I joined hundreds of other Catholics …
Busca Al Senor

“Hagan esto en conmemoración mía”. Jesús dijo estas palabras por primera vez a sus discípulos cuando se reunieron con Él en el Cenáculo para comer la cena de Pascua en vísperas de su Pasión. Él continúa diciéndonos estas palabras en cada Misa, al final de la consagración del pan y …
The Marianist Story and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Father William Joseph Chaminade founded the Society of Mary in 1817, in the aftermath of the French Revolution. Born in 1761, as a young priest he barely survived the Revolution’s carnage and terror. When the revolutionary government demanded every priest in the country swear allegiance to the new government or …
Let’s Talk About Mary

“Let’s talk about Mary,” I said, sitting in the office of my former Director of Religious Education (DRE). While I discerned whether to convert to Catholicism, my husband and I met one-on-one with our parish DRE for a couple of months. I still had a few things to clear up …
Seek the Lord for May 2024

Many families annually prepare a special May Altar in their homes to honor the Blessed Mother. This space, set aside with an image or statue of Mary and decorated with flowers and candles, is just one example of the various ways in which Catholics show their devotion to the Mother …