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En su encíclica Evangelium Vitae sobre el valor y la inviolabilidad de la vida humana, el Papa San Juan Pablo II habla del llamado de Dios a cada persona a compartir la plenitud de la vida por toda la eternidad con Él. Incluso durante nuestra vida en este mundo físico …

by Sister Constance Veit, lsp Each October the Catholic Church in the United States observes Respect Life Month as a time to focus on the protection of God’s precious gift of human life. The theme of the month varies from year to year, but it usually concentrates our attention on …

In the Gospel according to St. John, Jesus emphasizes that He came so we might have fullness of life (cf. Jn. 10:10). Most significantly through His Paschal Mystery, but also through every aspect of His life, Jesus worked for our good so that we might have life in abundance, both …

En el Evangelio según San Juan, Jesús subraya que vino para que tuviéramos plenitud de vida (cf. Jn 10:10). De manera significativa, a través de su Misterio Pascual, pero también a través de todos los aspectos de su vida, Jesús trabajó para nuestro bien y para que pudiéramos tener vida …

Totus Tuus group at St. Margaret-St. John (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
About a year ago I applied for a grant to help my fledgling magazine, Embodied, that is grounded in Pope St. John Paul II’s writings about the human person. I was struck by one question: “For whom does your heart break?” This brought an immediate wave of deep sadness, but …

At a recent archdiocesan Communications Workshop, the November ballot’s Issue 1 and its implications were brought forth as a topic of discussion. A priest made one point very clear: We need to talk about this amendment to the Ohio constitution in a very different way than Catholics normally talk about …

What inspires us? How can we take ownership of our faith and share it with others in an approachable, accessible way? Should we try if we’re not good with words? What is our role as lay people in the evangelizing mission? If you’ve asked yourself any of these questions, you’re …

After His death and resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples and sent the Holy Spirit upon them that they might continue His work of preaching the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Through baptism we are incorporated into this mystery. Made partakers in His death and resurrection, we are …

Greeting the faithful at the Rural Farm Mass 2017 (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
Después de su muerte y resurrección, Jesús se apareció a sus discípulos y les envió el Espíritu Santo para que continuaran su obra de predicación de la Buena Nueva del Reino de Dios. Por el bautismo somos incorporados a este misterio. Hechos partícipes de su muerte y resurrección, recibimos el …

JOY! With each new school year, possibility abounds as we open our hearts and minds to the mission of Catholic education for the students, families and communities we serve. With joyful hearts, guiding faith and unwavering dedication, our teachers, school leaders and communities embrace our collective mission to Radiate Christ. …