Family Life Activities: Pre-Thanksgiving edition

Staff Report
November is the month where Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. Though Thanksgiving itself is not a liturgical holiday, it is a day to thank God for our many blessings. Below are some specific family life activities that can enrich your family’s faith as we approach Thanksgiving.
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday November 21st:
There are no biblical citations of this event we celebrate on November 21st, but tradition holds that Mary at age 3 was transferred to the temple and served there. As a family, think about Mary as a young child, and how serving in the temple prepared her for being the Mother of Christ. Children can use their imaginations and draw the child Mary. On this day make a special effort to pray the Salve Regina.
Before Thanksgiving
Just about every day of the year is the feast day for a Catholic saint, and Nov. 26 is no different. Before Thanksgiving, learn with your children about one of the saints that are remembered on this coming Thanksgiving Day.
Courtesy of, here is a list of saints with feast days Nov. 26: St. Conrad, St. John Berchmans, Siricius, St. Alypius, St. Amator, St. Basolus, St. Bellinus, St. Dominic Doan Xuyen, St. Faustus, St. Leonard of Port Maurice, St. Martin of Arades, St. Nicon the Metanoeite, St. Phileas and Bl. Gaetana Sterni.
Thanksgiving Day Thursday November 26th
While we’re well aware of the Pilgrim’s journey, The Mayflower, Plymouth Rock: the first Thanksgiving was held on September 8, 1565, some 50 years earlier, in St. Augustine Florida. The Spanish explorers, upon landing in what would become St. Augustine, celebrated mass and afterwards had a thanksgiving meal with The Timucuan Native Americans. The feast had oysters and clams, and from the Spaniards bread, olive oil, garbanzo beans, wine, etc. So on this day while we enjoy the traditional Thanksgiving, we may want to remember the first thanksgiving in Florida. For more information, visit
Throughout November
Take some time this month to send a favorite Sister, Brother, or Priest that influenced your life a card. Children can design the card and make this a family project. If time permits, you may want to visit a retired religious and thank them in person. As the Year of Consecrated Life nears its conclusion, this month is a great opportunity to reflect on their impact.
Posted Nov. 18, 2015