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Lumen Fidei Outstanding Catholic School Teacher for the State of Ohio

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Maggie Banker Taul. She has taught science and religion at Cardinal Pacelli School/Our Lord Christ the King Church for over 20 years. Maggie lives with her husband, Nelson, in Cincinnati and they have four children: John, Tim, Will, and Jane. Their children have all been blessed with Catholic school education. Their three boys are proud St. Xavier High School graduates, and their daughter, Jane, is currently an 8th grader at Cardinal Pacelli. She will attend Ursuline Academy next year. Maggie graduated with a BS in Biology and subsequently an MBA and MEd, all from Xavier University.

Maggie says, “As St. Teresa of Avila said, ‘God writes straight with crooked lines.’ I didn’t start out in teaching but ended up exactly where I was supposed to be. When I was a junior at Xavier, I was diagnosed with cancer, which temporarily put my plans for a career in medicine on hold. After initially working in finance, I missed science and returned to school to become a teacher. I come from a long line of Catholic school teachers. I am especially honored to be given an award by the University of Dayton, given my dad, Tim Banker, was a proud Dayton Flyer alum. It is quite an honor to find out I was a finalist for the University of Dayton Lumen Fidei Award. Knowing that my colleagues were the ones that nominated me brought me to tears. They are all lights of faith, along with all of the teachers who have been lights of faith to me in my own Catholic education. It is very humbling to be considered among so many deserving candidates. Being a Catholic school teacher is a vocation. I will cherish being recognized for something I am passionate about and have felt honored to do as a profession.  As the saying goes, ‘Teachers don’t teach for the income; they teach for the outcome.’  Thank you to all Catholic school teachers who are the light for students each and every day.”

The winner also gets a piece of artwork by a student at a Catholic school. This year’s artwork is by Elena Thompson


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