Service, faith, academics, activities: Meet Chaminade Julienne Graduate Clarence Reed III
Clarence Reed III said his mother, Tamika Alexander, has always believed in the value of education, sending him to Corpus Christ and Mary Queen of Peace schools in Dayton. When it came time for high school, Chaminade Julienne (CJ) seemed the natural choice, given Reed’s sister, Jarnai, a 2013 graduate, excelled there.
“My mother wanted to make sure we would be able to go to college, that we had the best opportunities,” Reed explained.
During his time at CJ, Reed, along with his mother, converted to Catholicism. “It meant that our faith meant something to both of us, that we’d been blessed to be part of something bigger than ourselves,” he said.
It’s been an opportunity for the young man to grow closer to God and experience how his faith can see him through challenging times. “I had some obstacles to overcome at school and with my family,” Reed acknowledged. “My father and I weren’t on the best of terms. But, I learned about God’s love, that He is everywhere, and that I need to let just let go and let God do His thing.”
Among his varied activities at CJ were playing footfall his freshman and sophomore years, serving on the Spirit Committee and giving life to the school’s Eagle mascot. He especially enjoyed representing CJ and entertaining children at community events. “I just love seeing them smile, getting a high five, and making it fun for them.”
Reed is particularly well known around CJ for his positive attitude and engaging smile, which lift up everyone who comes in contact with him. “You’ll see him walking down the hallway and his smile just lights up the whole place,” said Kary Ellen Berger, communications coordinator.
“I just have to smile,” Reed said. “It’s that important to me to see other people happy. Sometimes no words are necessary. Just smile.”
In the fall, he’ll be taking that positivity to Bowling Green State University, where he plans to major in communications and business with the ultimate goal of opening his own entertainment company. “I want to provide opportunities for future artists, poets and dancers, especially in communities that are less fortunate,” he explained. “I’d like to show people that there are alternatives to violence and help them use their creativity instead.”
His time at CJ has left him ready to tackle whatever is ahead. “The teachers there really get involved with the students,” he said. “They pushed me to be the best person I can be and helped me in ways I can’t even begin to describe.”