St. Joseph Catholic School in OTR, St. James of the Valley were closed for illness Feb. 22

By John Stegeman
The Catholic Telegraph
UPDATE: Superintendent Jim Rigg confirmed that St. James of the Valley in Wyoming, Ohio was closed Friday, Feb. 22 for the same reason as St. Joseph in Over the Rhine— illness.
Officials from St. James of the Valley could not be reached for further comment.
Original story
While many area schools are on two-hour delays Friday, Feb. 22, because of the weather, St. Joseph’s Catholic School in Over-the-Rhine was closed as result of illness.
School officials had not been reached for comment as of noon, and the type of illness, number of students who have been out sick and other details were not available.
A voice mail recording at St. Joseph only confirmed that the school was closed.
“There is no school Friday, February 22,” the message said. “(The) school is closed due to illness. Students will return to school Monday, February 25.”
A sign on the front door of the school said that high numbers of students and faculty had been ill.
“Due to a high number of students and faculty illnesses, school is closed on Friday, February 22, 2013,” the sign read. “During this closing, the custodial staff will be taking extra measures of disinfecting every item in the building, including desks, chairs, doorknobs, etc. We encourage each family to do the same. The listing has been on channels 5, 9, & 12. School will resume on its regular schedule on Monday, February, 25, 2013. Thank you for your cooperation.”