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What did Pope Francis actually say about the female deaconate?

Yesterday Pope Francis raised eyebrows around the world after declaring his openness to establishing a commission to study the female deaconate, but a careful look at his full response is less of a shocker, and points to nothing new. In fact, in addition to giving a brief summary of a …
Survivor of Brussels terror attack writes letter of hope to unborn baby

BRUSSELS, Belgium — “…I just want to tell you that life is a wonderful thing, and the world is really full of remarkable people.” So starts a letter written by one of the survivors of the bomb attacks at the Brussels Zaventem international airport last week, according to CNN. The author of the …
African cardinal: Pressure groups behind push to change Church teaching

CNA/EWTN News VATICAN — Innacurate media reports about Church teaching on homosexuality published after the synod’s midterm relatio are an attempt to pressure the Church to change its perennial teaching, a cardinal who is also a synod father has affirmed. Cardinal Robert Sarah, president of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, …
How an incorrect translation of the synod report created chaos

CNA/EWTN News VATICAN CITY — An incorrect translation into English of the original midterm report of the Synod on the Family may have spurred controversial interpretations of the document itself. The document’s original version was written in Italian, which Pope Francis directed to be used as the official language of …
First woman appointed to a Vatican congregation joyful
By Andrea Gagliarducci CNA/EWTN News VATICAN CITY — The first woman ever to be appointed a member of a Vatican congregation explains that “women still have much to give to the Church with their personal charisma.” Sister Luzia Premoli, superior general of the Combonian Missionary Sisters, was appointed a member …
Vatican announces commission to streamline marriage process

CNA/EWTN News Pope Francis will establish a commission to review the matrimonial process in canon law with the goal of simplifying the procedure while maintaining the indissolubility of marriage, the Holy See Press Office announced Saturday. According to Vatican Radio, the decision was made on Aug. 2 of this year …
Pope Emeritus poses for first selfies
Catholic News Agency ROME — The first “selfie” of retired pontiff Benedict XVI is making the rounds on social networks.