Posts Tagged
Curia Reform
Pope Francis changes structure of Vatican doctrinal office

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Feb 14, 2022 / 04:35 am Pope Francis on Monday reorganized the internal structure of the Vatican’s doctrine office into two sections — the latest step in his ongoing reform of the Roman Curia. In a letter issued motu proprio (of his own accord) on Feb. 14, …
In anti-corruption law, Pope Francis seeks to quash Vatican ‘envelope’ culture with ban on gifts over $50

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Apr 29, 2021 / 04:50 am America/Denver (CNA). As part of a sweeping new anti-corruption law, Pope Francis on Thursday declared that officials of the Roman Curia should no longer accept personal gifts with a monetary value over 40 euros (about $50). The new rule …
Pope Francis appoints first lay head of Roman Curia’s disciplinary commission

Vatican City, Jan 8, 2021 / 05:20 am MT (CNA).- Pope Francis appointed on Friday the first lay head of the Roman Curia’s disciplinary commission. The Holy See press office announced on Jan. 8 that the pope had named Vincenzo Buonomo, rector of the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, as …
Pope says Vatican rules on hiring, compensation still in force
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — The ongoing effort to reorganize the Roman Curia has not left a void in the responsibilities of the various offices and even less in the rules governing hiring, transfers and compensation of employees, Pope Francis said. In a letter to Cardinal Pietro …
You are not ‘lords of the manor’: Pope Francis’ tough words to curia
CNA/EWTN News Pope Francis issued a strong message to members of the curia this week, warning them against careerism and urging them to live the reality of the priesthood – as servants. “Sometimes,” the Pope said Dec. 22, curia members “feel themselves ‘lords of the manor’ – superior to everyone …
Changing needs, changing names: Reform of Curia is Vatican tradition
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis and his international Council of Cardinals continue to study the most effective and efficient way to organize the Roman Curia, a large bureaucracy with a long history of expansions and a few, short-term, attempts at consolidation.