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Our culture tells us abortion is about “reproductive freedom” and “women’s rights.” As Catholics, we know abortion is really about the right to life of the unborn, and a culture that has transformed the meaning of pregnancy from a beautiful and purposeful outcome of the marital act to an unfortunate …

How did you learn your prayers? Maybe it was from an elementary school teacher, a children’s book or a pious grandmother. Or, perhaps you learned your prayers from a kindly priest, a Sunday school catechist or a friend. I learned mine from my dad. CHILDHOOD MEMORIES You should know something …

My 7-year old daughter made me cry the other day. There’s something you should know about my daughter: she never sings, dances, or performs in front of me. She’ll go to her room, shut the door, tell Alexa to play the Frozen soundtrack, and sing her little heart out. She’ll …