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Father Thomas Wray

In a quaint café on the cobblestone streets just outside Vatican City, Cody Egner and his wife, Angela, sat at a table mapping out a vision that soon impacted over a thousand Catholics in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. During that 2015 lunch, the couple expressed their desire to share Rome’s …

We are primed for another season as the defending AFC North Champions, which makes this a natural moment to review the perennially confusing question: can we really “pray for a Bengals win?” As the Cincinnati Bengals Catholic Chaplain, my answer regarding prayers for sports teams is “that depends on your …

by Jessica Rinaudo With anticipation building for Sunday’s big game, Cincinnati Bengals fans are preparing to cheer and pray for their team at the Super Bowl this weekend. Among those praying is Father Tom Wray, Catholic chaplain of the Cincinnati Bengals. Father Wray has served as the Bengals chaplain for …

According to ancient local tradition, soon after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, Saint James was preaching the Gospel in Spain, but was disheartened because of the failure of his mission. Tradition holds that on 2 January 40 AD, while he was deep in prayer by the banks of the …

Effective July 1, 2019 Father Peter Langenkamp to graduate studies in Rome, Italy. Father Thomas Wray, to weekend and holyday assistance at All Saints, Cincinnati, and St. Vincent Ferrer, Kenwood, while continuing as part-time priest chaplain at Bethesda North Hospital. Father J. Rob Jack, to weekend and holyday assistance at …

Father Thomas Wray, priest of the archdiocese, will lead a pilgrimage to Rome in October in honor of Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman. The pilgrimage will take place Oct. 8 through 15. Newman’s beatification was officially proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010 during his visit to the United Kingdom. …

By Gail Finke Fans of EWTN’s The Journey Home program saw a familiar face Monday: Father Tom Wray, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Director of Evangelization and Discipleship. Once an Episcopal pastor, Father Wray converted to Catholicism and, after several years of work as a layman, was ordained a Catholic priest …

A popular misunderstanding holds that “Theology of the Body” programs in Catholic schools represents little more than sex education with a religious gloss. Father Thomas Wray, director of the archdiocesan Office of Evangelization and Catechesis, is happy to dispel that notion. “Theology of the Body is a view of the …

C.S. Lewis famously likened the task of Christian apologetics to a a jeweler displaying a beautiful diamond. To appreciate its luminous qualities, the jeweler prepared it for viewing by holding it over black velvet fabric. Only against such a contrast can the dazzling colors dance and sparkle. So it is, …

Unsurprisingly, the media coverage of Amoris Laetitia continues an age-old misunderstanding of all things Catholic. The media elites can only report our news as as either “progressive” or “traditional.” This stems from a utilitarian and secularized understanding of human “progress.” To the post-modern mind all religions are essentially man-made institutions, …