Posts Tagged
immigrant services
Archdiocese of Cincinnati Statement for Mayor’s Press Conference

January 30, 2017 Tony Stieritz, Director, Catholic Social Action On behalf of Archbishop Dennis Schnurr, thank you, Mayor Cranley, and thank you, everyone gathered here today. The Catholic Church in the United States has for some time advocated for a comprehensive immigration reform as the true solution to our broken …
Catholic Charities Affirms Support of Migrants

CINCINNATI, January 25, 2017 – Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio affirmed its commitment to welcome the stranger today despite actions taken by the new administration. “We are deeply saddened by today’s actions because we believe all people are made in the image and likeness of God. All people – including migrants …
Catholic Charities gets new mission statement and website
Staff Report An extensive strategic planning process has brought Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio a new mission statement and a refreshed organizational structure.