Posts Tagged
June 2022
Raised in Faith: The Early life of Bishop Elect Earl Fernandes

Bishop-elect Earl K. Fernandes, the son of immigrant parents from India, speaks about his childhood with reverence and a healthy dose of good humor. “My father came to the United States in January of 1970. The Vietnam War was on and there was a shortage of physicians in this country …
Where the Bishop Is, the Church Is

I write this month to congratulate Bishop-elect Earl Fernandes on his impending consecration as Bishop of the Diocese of Columbus, OH. When he assumes the bishop’s chair (the cathedra), Bishop-elect Fernandes will join an unbroken succession of bishops that dates from the Church’s very first days. And, by virtue of …
How are Bishops Chosen?

Do bishops choose their successors? What is the process for selecting bishops? The choosing of bishops entails a discernment of potential candidates’ human and spiritual qualities. It begins at the local level with consultation among priests and the faithful, then continues in Rome, where the pope and his delegates approve …
Seek the Lord for June 2022

The episcopal consecration of Bishop-elect Earl K. Fernandes and his installation as the 13th bishop of the Diocese of Columbus is an occasion for great joy as one of our own archdiocesan priests joins the college of bishops. Although we will miss his incredible intellect, unflagging energy and compassion for …
Well Wishes

After working for dioceses for more than 14 years, I’ve seen my fair share of bishops come and go. Twice, I’ve been on the receiving end, part of the flurry of communications, joy and anticipation that comes with a new bishop for my diocese. I’ve gotten caught up in the …
Busca al Senor Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr

La consagración episcopal del Obispo electo Earl K. Fernandes y su instalación como el decimotercer obispo de la Diócesis de Columbus es una ocasión de gran alegría, ya que uno de nuestros propios sacerdotes arquidiocesanos se une al colegio de obispos. Aunque extrañaremos su increíble intelecto, su energía incansable y …
In Service of Love

My Dear Friends in Christ, When I was about 11-years-old, the television show MASH had its series finale, entitled, “Goodbye, Farewell and Amen.” Jessica Rinaudo, the editor of The Catholic Telegraph, graciously allowed me to write one last column – without a word limit. Those of you who know me …
Book Review: After Humanity A guide to CS Lewis “The Abolition of Man”

During the height of the Second World War, in February 1943, C. S. Lewis delivered the Riddell Memorial Lectures at the University of Durham in England. Entitled “The Abolition of Man,” they were published later that year as a slim volume that has since been heralded as one of the …
Lessons from Lehman

Bishop-elect Earl K. Fernandes earned his spot leading the Diocese of Columbus by being a competent, intelligent and compassionate priest for 20 years. To the people who knew him right out of seminary, those qualities were already evident. After his 2002 ordination, Father Fernandes was assigned as associate pastor of …