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Lindsay Braud

In rural South Sudan, there are few places where people from rival tribes can come together in peace and openness. As a South Sudanese, Comboni Missionary Father Louis Okot was aware of this division when he was assigned to the Lomin Mission in Kejo-keji, where he provided pastoral care at …

What we know and experience as “mission” today is different from the mission of 500 years ago, or even 80 years ago. Under the auspices of Vatican II, the Church’s definition of mission changed, stripping away the colonial mindset and replacing it with the local Church. When missionaries first arrived …

On a cool, clear autumn morning, Comboni Father Edward Mason arrived in the port of New York on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23, 1939. Behind him, Europe was fighting a brutal, bitter war. Ahead lay the exciting challenge of establishing a Comboni Missionary community, searching for vocations and seeking support for …