Posts Tagged
Opening Day parade
Opening Day: The Archdiocese of Cincinnati in the Findlay Market Parade

The Cincinnati Reds were the 1st Major League Baseball team in 1869. Celebrating 150 years, the Archdiocesan Central Offices, Mascots from our Catholic High Schools, and the Drum Line from Purcell Marian High School marched in the 100th Findlay Market Opening Day Parade. In 1869, Archbishop John Baptist Purcell led …
A picture says a thousand words: Friars on parade

Franciscan friars have been “connected to the community” for more almost 175 years — and once again marched in the Cincinnati Reds Opening Day Parade.
Catholic groups dot lineup of Findlay Market Opening Day parade [Photos]

According to the parade lineup posted at Findlay Market Parade, there were 191 entries in the Findlay Market Cincinnati Reds Opening Day parade April 4 that kicked off the Cincinnati Reds’ season. “The Findlay Market Parade is so much a part of Cincinnati,” said Franciscan Brother Tim Sucher, “and the friars are so much …
Catholic groups on display as Cincinnati celebrates Opening Day

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph While certainly not a holy day and technically not even a holiday, Opening Day for the Cincinnati Reds is a big deal to the city of Cincinnati. Just as historic as the Reds and the games themselves is the Findlay Market Opening Day Parade, …