Posts Tagged
Precious Blood
100 years! Celebrating a century of community at our home on Salem Avenue

On Aug. 28, 1923, Sisters of the Precious Blood were welcomed with the pealing of bells upon their arrival at the new motherhouse on Salem Avenue. Founded in 1834 in Switzerland by Maria Anna Brunner, Sisters of the Precious Blood first arrived in the U.S. in 1844 when three Sisters …
Sisters of the Precious Blood celebrate 100 years in Dayton

DAYTON, Ohio —The Sisters of the Precious Blood are celebrating a century of presence at Salem Heights, located on Salem Avenue, the religious community’s central home since 1923. A celebration Mass will be held Oct. 1 at 2 p.m. at Precious Blood Catholic Church. The Rev. Jeffrey Kirch, CPPS, will …
Let Earth Be the Boss: Keeping Family Farms Alive

Precious Blood Brother Nick Renner has been a farmer for 60 years. He’s toiled on the land owned by the Missionaries of the Precious Blood in Mercer County, Ohio and he’s seen a lot changes. “When I was a kid, I’d say 50 percent of people were farming, and now …
Precious Blood Missionary ordained a priest

Father Matthew Keller was ordained to the priesthood on June 9 in his home parish of St. John the Baptist in Maria Stein. Bishop Joseph Charron, a fellow Missionary of the Precious Blood, presided. Bishop Charron told Father Keller to be fearless in his new role as a priest, and …
Schoettelkotte scholarship will train aides

Scholarship named for Precious Blood Sister will train staff for Dayton senior facility This story first appeared in our July, 2018 print edition By Walt Schaefer Precious Blood Sister Alice (Rose Miriam) Schoettelkotte was more than thrilled when told scholarships will be awarded in her name. She said she was: …
St. Henry Parish celebrates 175 years of community and faith

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph In the “Land of Cross Tipped Churches,” the region in the northern part of the archdiocese where Catholic churches dot the rural landscape, their steeples are visible from miles away. They rise above the cornfields and small towns as a testament to the …